by  in Sober living

50 Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activities for Recovery

Effective group leaders can help create an environment where members can challenge each other in a productive manner while practicing these life skills. This board game was created by the famous comedian Mark Lundholm who believed in the healing power of humor and laughter. With a cheerful spirit, he created this game process to be humorous, happy and healing. The


cyplasticsurgery50 Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activities for Recovery

 by  in Sober living

Alcohol Abuse: What Are the Symptoms? Do I have A Problem

Seeking professional help early can prevent a return to drinking. Behavioral therapies can help people develop skills to avoid and overcome triggers, such as stress, that might lead to drinking. Medications also can help deter drinking during times when individuals may be at greater risk of a return to drinking (e.g., divorce, death of a family member). Severity is based


cyplasticsurgeryAlcohol Abuse: What Are the Symptoms? Do I have A Problem

 by  in Forex Trading

What Is an IPO? How an Initial Public Offering Works

The role of an underwriter is to serve as the intermediary between the company and investors, as well as work with the company to ensure that all regulatory requirements are satisfied. To pull off an IPO, the company must first determine how many shares to sell and at what price. This is done through a process of share underwriting, where


cyplasticsurgeryWhat Is an IPO? How an Initial Public Offering Works

 by  in Cryptocurrency exchange

AirDrop 101: Easily Send Content Between Nearby iPhones, iPads, and Macs

Your recipient/s will see a notification on their screen with the option to accept the content or decline it. When the person accepts, the content starts transferring. Even for large files and multiple photos and videos, the process is a matter of seconds. AirDrop is built into Apple’s iOS and uses Bluetooth and WiFi to transmit content – photos, videos,


cyplasticsurgeryAirDrop 101: Easily Send Content Between Nearby iPhones, iPads, and Macs

 by  in Bookkeeping

6 Best Accounting Software for Midsize Businesses in 2024

Accounting software is use to manage financial data like transactions, expenses, and business account balances. Some versions offer fundamental tracking features, while others provide analytics for deeper insights into your finances. AccountEdge lets you manage sales, invoices, expenses, inventory, data, contacts, banking, and time. Tipalti’s end-to-end payables automation software can increase efficiency by 80%, limiting the number of new staff hires


cyplasticsurgery6 Best Accounting Software for Midsize Businesses in 2024

 by  in Sober living

Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

When glycogen stores are depleted in a patient stressed by concurrent illness or volume depletion, insulin secretion is also suppressed. Under these same conditions, glucagon, catecholamine, and growth hormone secretion are all stimulated. This hormonal milieu inhibits aerobic metabolism in favor of anaerobic metabolism and stimulates lipolysis. The patient should have blood glucose checked on the initial presentation. Both steps


cyplasticsurgeryAlcoholic Ketoacidosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

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Лазерная Эпиляция Александритовым Лазером

Александритовый лазер оказывает влияние на меланин – пигмент, находящийся в волосе. Лазерный луч пробирается в волосяной фолликул и сжигает его. Спустя несколько дней повреждённый волос выпадает. Чтобы получить стойкий результат, потребуется курс, состоящий из 5-6 сеансов из-за того, что на спящие луковицы луч не воздействует. Повторную процедуру совершают через 1-1.5 месяца после первой.
cyplasticsurgeryЛазерная Эпиляция Александритовым Лазером

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Фракционная Мезотерапия Дермапен

Микроигольчатая мезотерапия Dermapen стимулирует обновление эпидермиса, за счет ускорения процессов регенерации клеток и повышенной выработки эластина. Фракционная мезотерапия проводится при наличии таких показаний: мелкие и глубокие морщины, крупные поры, пигментные пятна, шрамы и рубцы постакне, растяжки и др.
cyplasticsurgeryФракционная Мезотерапия Дермапен