Many women feel that their breast size and shape affects their body confidence. Factors such as weight loss, breast feeding, ageing and genes can cause breasts to droop or lose their fullness. Other women feel under confident because they are naturally small breasted. For women who want to increase their breast size 1 or 2 cup sizes is possible to achieve that without the need of silicone implants by using their own fat. Breast Enlargement with Fat Transfer is a safe alternative to implant surgery and involves Liposuction, the removal of fat from other areas of your body such as your legs or abdomen and transferring it into the breast area with the use of small cannulas. Both shape and size can be enhanced and the result is very natural looking and feeling breasts.
Not all the patients are suitable for an enhancement procedure with Fat Transfer. Patients with sagging skin may require a surgical Breast Lift, which can be combined with the use of a silicone implant for the need of additional volume.
Shape, firmness and fullness are restored to the breasts. As implants are not used, the final result is a soft, natural look. The fat cells integrate into the surrounding breast tissue over a number of weeks, resulting in more defined and firmer breasts. Some degree of absorption of the implanted fat always exists (not all the fat cells survive). Sometimes if the patient want bigger breasts Dr. Skarparis repeats the procedure after a 2-3 months period, for giving additional volume of the breasts.
Downtime is minimal. However because there may be some bruising and swelling, it is best to wait one to two weeks before you hit the gym or do any rigorous physical activity. The procedure is carried out under local anesthetic so you won’t feel any pain at all during the treatment.
You will see results straight away, however results will improve as the implanted fat becomes a part of your breasts during the months after treatment.
Results are permanent, as long as you keep your weight stable; however the implanted fat will change and evolve naturally as your body ages.
Most patients will experience discomfort around the treated area for 1-3 days and may also notice a dull ache for a further 1-4 weeks. You may also notice some swelling and bruising. Possible complications include the risks associated with any surgical procedure.
Our focus is on patient safety. Full details of possible complications will be highlighted and fully explained at consultation stage.
A small waterproof dressing to the injection site on your breasts will be applied, which you will need to wear for ten days. We will also prescribe a course of antibiotics to help reduce the chances of infection. You are advised to wear a supportive sports bra at least three days a week and are advised to avoid vigorous exercise for approximately three weeks. For areas that have been treated with Liposuction you will need to wear a compression garment for three weeks and avoid strenuous exercise whilst wearing it.