Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation


Breast Augmentation or Breast Enlargement is the most popular cosmetic procedure requested by women considering having this procedure to improve their size or shape because they think the breasts are too small, uneven in size or shape, or unattractive.  Some women have breasts that do not fully develop or have significantly changed in size or shape after pregnancy, weight change or ageing.


There are different shapes and types of gel fillers with breast implants.  Traditionally, implants have been round.  The majority of all implants currently used are still round, however a cohesive silicone gel has been introduced which is also known as the shaped or teardrop implant.  A round silicone cohesive type implant has also been produced which has the advantage of not leaking when the shell of the implant wears or tears.  Another advantage in comparison to the previously mentioned teardrop implant is that the round cohesive implant doesn’t lose its shape within the pocket.


Most women have a rough idea as to how big they may want to be in terms of bra sizes.  The objective during the examination is for Dr. Skarparis to determine which size of implant will give the appearance you desire.  As you can imagine different size implants in different framed women gives different results.  The secret is to choose a size that will give you a more balanced, proportionate look overall and more inline with your desires.

It is important to understand however that ultimately, the limiting factor in choosing implant size is the space available beneath your breast.  It’s important to remember that as the volume of any breast implant increases, and then so does its width.  Therefore if you choose an implant that is excessively large, the edge of the implant may then extend around beyond the breast and potentially even under the armpit.  This would be undesirable for most people.  The vast majority of women however have a realistic outlook of what they wish to look like, and therefore it is not often that a surgeon cannot deliver the desired expectations to his patient.  A woman with breast implants should be on the same schedule of routine mammography as all other women.


The main principle in the operation of Breast Enlargement surgery is the creation of a pocket behind the breast, which will accommodate a breast implant.  There are generally 3 types of incisions used for inserting the breast implants.  The Inframammary incision is made under the breast at the fold or crease line.  The incision is about 4 cm in length.  This is the most common incision, and the natural fold of the breast usually hides the scar quite well.  It will probably always be covered by any clothing-even the smallest of bikini tops.  Another method is the Periareolar incision, which is made around the edge of the areola (the darker skin around the edge of the nipple).  The third method is the Axillary incision (armpit incisions method), which is made in one of the crease lines of the armpit.  This is used less often because it is more difficult to get proper placement of the implant in some patients, and if there is a problem in the future, an additional incision on the breast may be required.  Although some patients thinking about this surgery may believe this approach is the least conspicuous, in truth this may not always be the case, particularly in light of sleeveless open type clothing that expose the armpit area quite readily and frequently.


There are two locations or pockets made where the implant may be placed.  The first location is the Subglandular placement of the implant.  Some breast shapes are better suited to the subglandular approach.  These women typically have breasts that at one time were much larger than the present.  When there is a very large volume decrease and there is little or no shrinkage in the size of the skin envelope surrounding the breast tissue, then the shape approaches that of an “empty bag”.  Under these circumstances it is sometimes better to place the implant in the subglandular position in order to allow the implant to fill out the skin envelope of the breast.  The second location is the Submuscular placement between the muscles of the chest wall and the rib cage.  Submuscular placement increases the padding overlying the implant offering more coverage and camouflage to the shape of the implant.  This is particularly helpful in women bearing very little or no breast tissue at all.

Dr. Skarparis will discuss with you at the time of the consultation as to which location the implant should be placed in your particular case.  Scars are not a complication but a normal event after any surgery. Thankfully the scars in a Breast Augmentation operation are short, being about 4 cm in length.  Although you can gently walk about and do very light duties from the next day, please avoid any stretching or lifting during the first 7 to 10 days. Many ladies go back to work after this time.


Pregnancy: Should you become pregnant following your operation then your existing breast tissue will be subjected to the normal hormonal influences of this period and therefore your breast will enlarge and the skin will stretch accordingly.  Likewise, once the pregnancy and any associated breastfeeding ceases, your own breast tissue will then shrink down.  It is impossible to predict to what degree these changes will occur; however, the breast implant volume will remain the same throughout these.  Breastfeeding can proceed following a Breast Augmentation providing of course that you are able to produce enough milk in the first place.  You must understand that regardless of whether you have implants or not, all women cannot breast feed satisfactorily.  There is no chance of the implant exploding or bursting while traveling in an airplane, swimming, diving.


The chances are excellent that you’ll be happy with your surgery.  Most patients understand the advantages and benefits of this type of surgery and that’s why is one of the most frequent cosmetic procedures performed.