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50 Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activities for Recovery

games for substance abuse groups

Effective group leaders can help create an environment where members can challenge each other in a productive manner while practicing these life skills. This board game was created by the famous comedian Mark Lundholm who believed in the healing power of humor and laughter. With a cheerful spirit, he created this game process to be humorous, happy and healing.

The Drugs and Alcohol Game

Drug rehab in Payson will make addiction recovery possible for you. Recovery is undoubtedly a challenging journey, but there are better things laid out for you at… By moving around the board and performing what the game spaces say, each person gets to choose what they think is best for each situation that arises. For example, the Captain’s Orders Cards describe a scenario that will either cause a possible relapse or encourage recovery.

Therapy Worksheets

  • Other goals of group therapy include gaining inspiration through the recovery of others, self-identifying as a recovering addicting, and examining core values.
  • You can prepare for these situations by roleplaying as a group therapy activity.
  • These groups offer a haven for members to openly discuss their struggles, triumphs, and setbacks without fear of judgment.
  • These activities help participants feel more comfortable, allowing them to engage more fully and build trust with one another.

People will shut down if you ask them to share their most intimate thoughts from the moment they walk in the door. You need to start slow in order to ease your clients into sharing their deeper thoughts with the group. Once your group feels comfortable with each other you can start digging deeper. Self-care includes creating a sleep routine, eating healthy meals, staying hydrated, exercising, and spending time with loved ones. Participants can try making gratitude lists or having open discussions on ways to find and show gratitude in daily life. In meditation sessions, participants will practice focusing on their breathing or on affirmations while allowing thoughts to come and go without engagement or judgment.

games for substance abuse groups

How to Perform Group Activities in Therapy

Members of the group will each get an index card with a topic on it (any random topic will do). This fun activity allows members to open up, get creative, and express ideas and opinions about specific topics. In this activity, clients will each get an index card to write down three things about themselves.

games for substance abuse groups

Group therapy can focus on various issues, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, grief, or interpersonal difficulties. This can include medication-assisted treatment, group therapy, individual therapy, life skills groups, psychoeducation groups, and support groups. Some clients may present with reluctance to participate in the different what are some ideas for substance abuse group activities? forms of group therapy during their treatment program. Individual therapy provides clients with one-on-one time with a trained Counselor which can feel less overwhelming and more personal than a group setting. When a client shares their hesitations with you about group therapy, there are numerous benefits that you can discuss with them.

Theme groups are focused on support and finding commonalities between members. They tend to have more structure than process groups and focus on a single topic. Two Dreams prefers to hold process groups in order to enhance the holistic treatment experience and to help clients equip themselves with the tools needed for their own recovery. Group therapy can be used to explore and process a member’s triumphs, challenges, and relapses. Talking about these experiences in a group setting will not only benefit the client experiencing them, but also other members of the group who can learn from their experience. This can include learning to cope with uncomfortable emotions and situations.

  • (“How would you feel if we talked about you when you weren’t here?”) Strongly suggest that they wait until the person returns (and is open) to have a group discussion (if appropriate).
  • A sheet of paper is passed out to each member, and they will write their name on the sheet.
  • After a few minutes, end the exercise and allow everyone to share their experience.
  • During the game, each player will choose to commit to real-world actions they may have to perform immediately or later on.

games for substance abuse groups

  • It can be easy to fall into a rut, especially if you’re burnout or working with a particularly challenging group.
  • Therefore, upon completing an addiction treatment program, involving yourself in group therapy activities for adults in recovery is crucial to maintaining long-term sobriety.
  • We are hardwired for attachment and groups, which are potent sources of change for the central nervous system, brain, and emotional wellbeing (Denninger, 2010).
  • Equipping participants with robust coping mechanisms is a vital aspect of relapse prevention.
  • This can be a wonderful activity to use to start a group because it allows members’ active participation in accomplishing objectives and the healing process.
  • Help group members who might be struggling with this by brainstorming affirmations for them.
  • Those in treatment for addiction can participate in fun games and other activities with their peers that center around addiction recovery.

Balloon Play

cyplasticsurgery50 Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activities for Recovery